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SurvivorCord is our original patented MIL-STYLE paracord with three potentially life-saving internal strands added: Fishing line, waterproof fire-starter, and multi-purpose utility wire.

SurvivorCord XT is SurvivorCord...but better! Built for Bushcraft, this latest incarnation of our patented paracord upgrades the internal survival strands for better outdoor recreational utility.

Elastic ShockCord has 100% stretch, a tensile strength of ~100 LBS, and is ideal for creating bungee cords and securing or tethering items to your equipment or vehicles.

Looking for BULK cordage? This shortcut takes you to all of your favorite TITAN Survival cordage in 500 and 1,000 foot spools.

These accessories are specifically designed by us to either work well with SurvivorCord in crafts or projects, or are made from SurvivorCord and can be used in an emergency.

SurvivorCord is patented and guaranteed for life!

In an emergency, Fire can mean Life! Make sure you're prepared.

Essential survival gear, designed to protect you from the elements in emergencies.

Paracord Knots

The Barrel Hitch and “barrel sling,” named for their use in hoisting cargo aboard ships, are a simple yet effective way to suspend an object. The barrel is laid on its side, both sides of the strop are spread out and passed underneath, the ends of the strop are raised together, one end is tucked through the other and hooked to an eyehook.
[blogslidersmall][content]The Better Bow Knot is similar to a regular shoelace knot that you would normally use to tie your shoelaces.  Just use this enhanced version to tie your shoelaces (or bikini) and never worry about it coming undone. Unties with a simple tug on the free end. Just wrap twice around the first loop instead of once to prevent it from coming unravelled.[/blogslidersmall][/content]
[blogslidersmall][content]The Backup Knot (also called a stopper knot) is used primarily for security by climbers, and is a secondary knot designed to prevent their primary knot from coming untied.  This knot is usually tied about 12 – 18 inches after the primary knot.[/content][/blogslidersmall]
