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SurvivorCord is our original patented MIL-STYLE paracord with three potentially life-saving internal strands added: Fishing line, waterproof fire-starter, and multi-purpose utility wire.

SurvivorCord XT is SurvivorCord...but better! Built for Bushcraft, this latest incarnation of our patented paracord upgrades the internal survival strands for better outdoor recreational utility.

Elastic ShockCord has 100% stretch, a tensile strength of ~100 LBS, and is ideal for creating bungee cords and securing or tethering items to your equipment or vehicles.

Looking for BULK cordage? This shortcut takes you to all of your favorite TITAN Survival cordage in 500 and 1,000 foot spools.

These accessories are specifically designed by us to either work well with SurvivorCord in crafts or projects, or are made from SurvivorCord and can be used in an emergency.

SurvivorCord is patented and guaranteed for life!

In an emergency, Fire can mean Life! Make sure you're prepared.

Essential survival gear, designed to protect you from the elements in emergencies.

How to Make a Turk's Head Paracord Woggle

Learn how to make a paracord woggle in this video presented by the Weavers of Eternity. Making a paracord woggle is quick, simple, and completely customizable.

A paracord woggle also known as a Turk’s head is commonly used by scouts and guides to fasten their handkerchief or scarf in place. Woggles have been used by scouts since the early 1920s, except back then they were made from rope, wood, and sometimes even bone. This is article is going to discuss how to make a paracord woggle. All you will need is about 3’ feet of paracord and a pair of hemostats.

To get started hold one of the ends of the paracord between your thumb and bottom two fingers. Take the working end and wrap it over your top to fingers and back around to the front creating an x on your top two fingers. Lift the first loop made on the x and put the working end through it from the right. Pull the working end all the way through until it is snug on your fingers.

Turn your hand over and cross the left strand over the right strand to create an opening. Put the working end through the opening from underneath the right side, using the hemostats to pull the end through the opening. Separate the strands on the top of your fingers and put the working end through the opening from under the left side and pulling it tight.

Turn your hand back around and following the base line. Put the working end through the opening from under the left strand. Follow the base line all the way around twice doubling all of the single lines. Once you get to the end you can tighten the woggle to a smaller size by working the slack out of the lines through the ends. Cut the ends and melt them together by melting the ends with the lighter and then pressing them together with the hemostats.

Your woggle is now ready for use. Simply slide the ends of your handkerchief or scarf through the hole and pull the woggle up towards your chin to fasten the handkerchief down. You can choose any color of paracord to create a unique personalized woggle. You can also add beads and charms to the paracord as you are working it into the woggle for an even fancier version. The same concept can be used to make fashionable paracord rings.
