Congratulations to our 6 Winners!
Here are our winners for the October Fan-of-the-Month Contest. Each of these Winners will receive a $25 TITAN Survival Gift Card.
- WINNER #1 - Colleen C.
- WINNER #2 - Shay G.
- WINNER #3 - Jody V.
- WINNER #4 - EDC P.
- WINNER #5 - Justin R.
- WINNER #6 - Robert M.
- Upload an image of something that you crafted from TITAN SurvivorCord or WarriorCord, or our product being used by you in the outdoors, or you're smiling face with one of our products in-hand. You can upload a photo by visiting, tagging a photo on Twitter with #TITANFANOCT17, tagging a photo on Instagram with #TITANFANOCT17, or posting your submission on Facebook in the comments section of our fan of the month post.
- As an added bonus, if a winning submission includes TITAN Survival in the Wild, we'll double the prize amount!
- Square photos are preferred over rectangles.
- At the end of the month, TITAN staff will pick three winners based on the set criteria detailed below.
- 25% Creativity and/or Originality
- 25% "In-The-Wild" Factor (product being used or photographed in the outdoors)
- 25% Professional Photo Quality (square image, crispness, artistic blur, shot alignment, etc.)
- 25% WOW Factor (effect of the picture as a whole)
- Two other winners will be picked based on Popularity, using the popular vote inside the submission gallery.
- One final winner will be picked at random to give a chance to others who didn’t meet the criteria.
- All six winners will receive a $25 gift card from TITAN Survival.
- All three staff picks will be interviewed for our blog.
- Contest starts on the first day of the month and will end on the last day of the month. Winners will be announced at the beginning of the new month
- You must be at least 18 years or older to enter
- You may only upload one photo
- To be eligible for the contest you must upload an image of a TITAN Survival product. Non-TITAN products will not be considered
- TITAN Survival may choose to remove a photo from the competition at any time at its own discretion
- Prizes will be issued in the form of TITAN Survival Gift Cards that are good for one year from the date of issue
- You may only win a TITAN Survival contest prize once per year, unless submissions are low, at which point TITAN Staff may choose to keep previous winners in the pool.
- All decisions by TITAN Survival are final.
- By submitting an image to TITAN Survival, you agree to be bound by the usage rights found in Section 9 of our Terms Of Use Policy.
If you need help and / or have questions, please contact